We're Here to Help
There are many bereavement services and groups for family members and friends who may need some support after the loss of a family member or friend that will offer their services.
These services and groups serve numerous functions. Many family members and friends use these groups to relieve the pain and grieving of their loss. We conveniently provide this listing to aid in meetings, inquiries, or contact names for a grieving friend or family member.
AARP Grief and Loss Program | 601 E Street NW Washington DC 20049 Phone: 1-800-687-2277 Website: http://www.aarp.org |
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | 120 Wall Street, 29th Floor, New York NY 10005 Phone: 1-888-333-2377 Website: http://www.afsp.org |
Art Therapy for Bereaved Children | Riverview Medical Center, 1 Riverview Plaza Red Bank NJ 07701 Phone: 732-530-2382 Website: http://www.meridianhealth.com |
Big Brothers and Big Sisters | 230 North 13th Street Philadelphia NJ 19107 Phone: 215-567-7000 Website: http://www.bbbs.org |
The Center for Grieving Children. Teens, and Families | Nelson Pavilion, Erie Avenue at Front Street Philadelphia PA 19134 Website: http://www.grievingchildren.org |
International THEOS Foundation | 322 Boulevard of the Allies, Suite 105 Pittsburgh PA 15222 Phone: 412-471-7770 |
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors | 3033 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 630. Arlington VA 22201 Phone: 1-800-959-TAPS |