Take the New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 11 onto the Garden State Parkway southbound. Take the Garden State Parkway South to Exit 123 for Route 9 South. Continue south on Route 9 approximately seventeen (17) miles and you will pass the intersection of Routes 33 & 9 (Freehold Raceway will be on your left and Freehold Raceway Mall will be on your right.) Proceed south on Route 9 another three (3) miles until you see a sign for Route 524 East/ Farmingdale. Continue past the Park 9 Diner and proceed through the traffic signal at Elton-Adelphia Road. Bear right at the jughandle for Route 524 East. Continue east on Route 524 through the traffic light across Route 9 and proceed one block. The Funeral Home is located on the left directly across from the Dunkin Donuts in Adelphia Plaza.