For your reference, we have included a listing of many of the local churches in our area. A growing number of churches are starting to publish their own web sites to allow visitors to learn more about their clergy, congregation and many other features and services of the church. |

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | 136 Wemrock Road Freehold NJ 07728 Phone: 732-462-0109 Website: http://www.lds.org |
First Assembly of God Church | 272 Jackson Mills Road Freehold NJ 07728 Phone: 732-431-5818 Website: http://ag.org Contact: Rev. Jeffrey Philhower |
Freehold Church of Christ | 46 Strickland Road Freehold NJ 07728 Phone: 732-780-3451 Website: http://freeholdcoc.com |
Siloam United Methodist Churc | 67 Siloam Road Freehold NJ 07728 Phone: 732-780-9199 Website: http://www.umc.org |
St. Peter's Episcopal Church | 33 Throckmorton Street Freehold NJ 07728 Phone: (732) 431-8383 Website: http://stpeters.org |
St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church | 61 Georgia Road Freehold Township NJ 07728 Phone: 732-462-7429 Website: http://www.strobert.com |
First United Methodist Church of Farmingdale | 8 Main St Farmingdale NJ 07727 Phone: (732) 938-5657 Website: http://www.gbgm-umc.org |
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church | 31 Asbury Avenue Farmingdale NJ 07727 Phone: (732) 938-5375 Website: http://www.sienachurch.org Contact: Rev. Michael Vona |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | Central Avenue and Monterey Circle Lakewood NJ 08701 Phone: 732-363-1599 Website: http://www.ilutheran.net/ |
Colts Neck Reformed Church | 72 Highway 537 West Colts Neck NJ 07722 Phone: 732-462-4555 Website: http://www.coltsneckreformed.org Contact: Rev. Scott Brown Contact: Rev. Christopher L. VandeBunt |
First United Methodist Church | 103 Monmouth Road Oakhurst NJ 07755 Phone: (732) 531-1150 Website: http://www.umc.org |
First United Methodist Church of Asbury Park | 906 Grand Avenue Asbury Park NJ 07712 Phone: 732-775-2693 Website: http://www.umc.org |
St. George's Greek Orthodox Church | 700 Grand Avenue Asbury Park NJ 07712 Phone: 732-775-2777 Website: http://www.stgeorgeap.org |
Jerseyville United Methodist Church | 8 Howell Road Howell NJ 07731 Phone: (732) 409-6604 Website: http://www.umc.org |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 434 Aldrich Road Howell NJ 07731 Phone: 732-363-0732 Contact: Rev. Phillip Matarazzo |
St. Veronica's Catholic Church | 4215 Route 9 North Howell NJ 07731 Phone: (732) 364-4137 Website: http://stveronica.com |
St. Mary's Russian Orthodox Church | 316 Cassville Road Jackson NJ 08527 Phone: (732) 928-3223 Website: http://saintmaryinjackson.com/ Contact: Archpriest John Prokopiuk |
Kimisis Tis Theotoku Greek Orthodox Church | 20 Hillcrest Road Holmdel NJ 07733 Phone: 732-739-1515 |
Bethesda United Methodist Church | 928 Adelphia Road Adelphia NJ 07710 Phone: 732-462-9865 |
United Presbyterian Church of Millstone | 211 Millstone Road Perrineville NJ 08535 Phone: 732-446-5350 Website: http://www.upcm.org/ |