An increasing number of people select cremation as the method of final disposition of the body. Cremation is only one of many final dispositions, and there are still many options to consider.
One option is to choose CREMATION FOLLOWING A TRADITIONAL FUNERAL. In this case, a traditional viewing and funeral service is held, and "graveside" services take place in a chapel at the cemetery. The cremation follows later. We offer the use of a rental casket so that a traditional viewing may be held without the need to purchase a casket.
Another option is CREMATION FOLLOWED BY A MEMORIAL SERVICE. In this case, the cremation takes place first, and family and friends gather at some later time at a memorial service to celebrate the life of their loved one. This service can take place at the funeral home, a house of worship, or another location of special significance to the family. It is often held at night to allow an opportunity for people who have difficulty leaving work to attend. Some families elect to hold a private memorial service for family members and invited guests only. Even if no traditional visitation is desired, in most cases we can arrange for the family to privately view the deceased prior to the cremation.
Regardless of the type of service you choose, the disposition of the ashes is a separate decision. Burial or entombment at a cemetery are two options. In either case, the cremated remains are placed in a permanent receptacle known as a MEMORIAL URN before moving to a final resting place. If burial is not desired, some cemeteries offer space in a mausoleum or columbarium, which are above ground. A third common option is to display the memorial urn in a special place in the home. Finally, some families choose to scatter the cremated remains at a location which held special significance to the deceased. You should be aware however, that scattering must be performed in accordance with applicable laws.
Regardless of your choice, there are many considerations in making these important decisions. Our staff will gladly make suggestions to help ensure an appropriate choice is made.