N.J. Transit Bus service to Clayton and McGirr Funeral home is available from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan. Take the 139 Bus to Lakewood, which leaves the terminal approximately every 15 minutes on weekdays, every twenty minutes on weekends.
Take the 139 bus to the “FREEHOLD TWP, US 9 at Adelphia Road” stop. The bus stop is located on the northwest corner of Rt. 9 at Adelphia Road, in front of the Park 9 Diner. When you get off the bus, cross over Rt. 9 and walk approximately two blocks (500’) east on Adelphia Road to the funeral home.
The bus ride takes approximately one hour and fifteen minutes.
The return bus follows a similar schedule. The bus stop is located on the southeast corner of Rt. 9 and Adelphia Rd. in front of Max’s Liquor store. There are several bus routes that use the stop, so make sure you get onto the northbound 139 bus, and not one of the other routes that use the stop. Although it is a N.J. Transit route, it is sometimes serviced by Academy Bus Company, so it might just be an Academy bus you have to get on. Just check with the driver when the bus stops.